Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Winter's Respite Readathon

And now on to the two-week readathon (tonight through January 29), organized by Michelle@ True Book Addict.  I'm intrigued by the two-week format, and hope to finish a couple more books during that time.

I wrapped up the Bout of Books readathon having finished Hockey Night Fever and almost completing Voices from Chernobyl, which I have since completed (btw--the documentary The Russian Woodpecker is a great follow-up to reading Voices).  I've just received a history of Ukraine, The Gates of  Europe, which I plan to work on during the Winter's Respite event.  I've also got an ARC of Stalin and the Scientists, which I've already begun, so I'll be working on that one as well.


  1. Just wanted to wish you luck on your goals.

    Also, i'll be host a Midway Giveaway on my blog this weekend if you are interested. The only requirement for entering is a comment about your progress so far and goals for week two.

    Well have a great week!
    Bemused Bookworm

  2. Welcome to the readathon! I like the sound of the books you're reading. I hope you enjoy the reading this two weeks.
