Books read 2005-2020

Acherson, Neal Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland
Adiga, Aravind The White Tiger
Akunin, Boris Winter Queen
Akunin, Boris The State Counselor
Al Rashidi, Yasmine Chronicles of a Last Summer
Alexievich, Svetlana Voices From Chernobyl
Ambler, Eric A Coffin for Dimitrios
Ambler, Eric Cause for Alarm
Amis, Kingsley Lucky Jim
Amis, Martin The Second Plane: September 11:  Terror and Boredom
Amis, Martin London Fields
Amis, Martin Money
Amis, Martin Time's Arrow
Andrukhovich, Yuri Perverzion
Applebaum, Anne Gulag:  A History
Arendt, Hannah Eichmann in Jerusalem
Ascherson, Neal  Black Sea:  Birthplace of Civilisation and Barbarism
Auster, Paul City of Glass
Auster, Paul Ghosts
Auster, Paul Man in the Dark
Auster, Paul The New York Trilogy
Auster, Paul Leviathan
Auster, Paul The Music of Chance
Auster, Paul The Book of Illusions
Auster, Paul Oracle Night
Auster, Paul In the Country of Last Things
Auster, Paul Moon Palace
Auster, Paul Invention of Solitude
Ball, Philip Universe of Stones
Ball, Philip Critical Mass
Ballard, J. G. Crash
Ballard, J. G. Millenium People
Banks, Iain The Wasp Factory
Banks, Iain M. Consider Phlebas
Banks, Iain M. The Player of Games
Barnes, Julian Flaubert's Parrot
Barry, Sebastian The Secret Scripture
Batuman, Elif The Possessed:  Adventures with Russian Books and the People who Read Them
Beevor, Anthony Stalingrad:  The Fateful Siege, 1942-43
Bellow, Saul Herzog
Bely, Andrei Petersburg
Bernhard, Thomas Correction
Borg, Marcus Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
Boswell, James Boswell's London Journal, 1762-63
Bourdieu, Pierre Homo Academicvs
Boym, Svetlana The Future of Nostalgia
Bradley, John R. Inside Egypt
Brande, Dorothea Becoming a Writer
Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights
Brown, Charles Brockden Wieland, or the Transformation
Brown, Charles Brockden Edgar Huntly
Brown, Kate A Biography of No Place:  From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland 
Bryson, Bill At Home:  A Short History of Private Life
Buchan, John The Thirty-Nine Steps
Buford, Bill Heat
Bulgakov, Mikhail The White Guards
Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange
Cain, Susan Quiet:  The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking
Calvino, Italo If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game
Carr, Caleb The Alienist
Carr, Patrick and M. Kefalis Hollowing out the middle
Cather, Willa My Antonia
Chandler, Raymond The Big Sleep
Chapman, Gary The Five Love Languages
Charyn, Jerome Johnny One-Eye
Chopin, Kate The Awakening
Coetzee, J M Master of Petersburg
Coetzee, J. M.  Summertime
Cole, Stephen Hockey Night Fever
Collins, Wilkie The Moonstone
Collins, Wilkie The Woman in White
Conrad, Joseph Under Western Eyes
Cooper, James Fenimore The Spy
Cooper, James Fenimore The Last of the Mohicans
Coviello, Peter Intimacy in America
Cronin, Justin The Passage
Cummins, Maria The Lamplighter
Davis, Mike Planet of Slums
Davis, Mike Planet of Slums
Davis, Mike City of Quartz
De Jean, Joan How Paris Became Paris
Del Toro, Guillermo The Strain
DeLillo, Dom Mao II
DeLillo, Dom Underworld
Deutscher, Isaac The  Prophet Armed
Dexter, Colin The Last Bus to Woodstock
Dick, Philip K. A Scanner Darkly
Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle
Dickens, Charles Pickwick Papers
Dickens, Charles Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles Nicholas Nickleby
Dickens, Charles The Old Curiosity Shop
Dickens, Charles Martin Chuzzlewit
Dickens, Charles Barnaby Rudge
Dickens, Charles Dombey and Son
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles Bleak House
Dickens, Charles Little Dorritt
Dickens, Charles A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoevsky, Fyodor The Brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Poor Folk
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Notes from the Underground
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Crime and Punishment
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The Idiot
Doyle, Arthur Conan Study in Scarlet
Doyle, Arthur Conan The Hound of the Baskervilles
Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie
Duffy, Maureen Capital
Duhigg, Charles The Power of Habit
Dunnett, Dorothy The Game of Kings
Dunnett, Dorothy Queens' Play
Dunnett, Dorothy Niccolo Rising
Dunnett, Dorothy The Spring of the Ram
Dunnett, Dorothy The Disorderly Knights
Eco, Umberto The Name of the Rose
Eco, Umberto Foucault's Pendulum
Edel, Leon Henry James:  The Untried Years, 1843-1870
Edel, Leon The Conquest of London
Edel, Leon The Middle Years
Edel, Leon The Treacherous Years
Edel, Leon The Master
Eggers, Dave The Circle
Eliot, George Daniel Deronda
Ellis, Bret Easton American Psycho
Ellis, Joseph J. His Excellency George Washington
Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man
Erikson, Kai Wayward Puritans
Evans, Richard J. The Coming of the Third Reich
Evans, Richard J. Third Reich in Power
Fallada, Hans Every Man Dies Alone
Faulkner, William Light in August
Ferguson, Niall War of the World
Fevziu, Blendi Enver Hodxa
Figes, Orlando Natasha's Dance:  A Cultural History of Russia
Fitzgerald, F. Scott Tender is the Night
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsby
Foer, Franklin How Soccer Explains the World
Fowles, John The Magus
Frank, Joseph Dostoevsky:  The Seeds of Revolt, 1821-1849
Frankl, Victor Man's Search for Meaning
French, Tana In The Woods
Furst, Alan Dark Star
Furst, Alan The Polish Officer
Gaiman, Neil Neverwhere
Gaiman, Neil Stardust
Gaines, James Evening in the Palace of Reason
Galgut, Damon In a Strange Room
Galison, Peter Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps
Galloway, Janice The Trick is to Keep Breathing
Gaskell, Elizabeth North and South
Giardina, Denise Storming Heaven
Gibson, William Pattern Recognition
Gladwell, Malcolm Tipping Point
Goleman, Daniel et al. Primal Leadership
Goltz, Thomas Chechnya Diary
Gorra, Michael Portrait of a Novel
Grandin, Temple Thinking in Pictures:  My Life with Autism
Grass, Gunther The Tin Drum
Gray, Alaisdair Lanark
Greene, Graham The Quiet American
Griffiths, Niall Wreckage
Grossman, Vassily Life and Fate
Gruen, Sara Water for Elephants
Hardy, Thomas The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hardy, Thomas Far from the Madding Crowd
Hart-Davis, Rupert, ed. The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters, Volume one and Two
Hasek, Jaroslav The Good Soldier Svejk  . . .
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter
Hebdige, Dick Subculture
Hendrix, Harville Getting the Love You Want
Heyer, Georgette Why Shoot a Butler?
Holmes, Richard The Age of Wonder
Hornby, Nick Fever Pitch
Hosseini, Khaled The Kite Runner
Howells, William Dean The Rise of Silas Lapham
Howells, William Dean The Minister's Charge
Hrabal, Bohumil Too Loud a Solitude
Hugo, Victor Les Miserables
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World
Huyssen, Andreas Present Past:  Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory
Ings, Simon Stalin and the Scientists
Jacobson, Harold The Finkler Question
James, Henry The Awkward Age
James, Henry The Tragic Muse
James, Henry The Ambassadors
James, Henry The Wings of the Dove
James, Henry The Ambassadors
James, Henry The Spoils of Poynton
James, Henry The Princess Casamassima
James, Henry  The Princess Casamassima
Jardine, Lisa On a Grander Scale:  The Outstanding Life . . . Christopher Wren
Johnson, Steven The Ghost Map
Johnson, Steven Ghost Map
Jones, Edward P. The Known World
Judt, Tony Thinking the Twentieth Century
Kadare, Ismail Twilight of the Eastern Gods
Kahneman, Daniel Thinking, Fast and Slow
Kammen, Michael Seasons of Youth
Kapuscinski, Ryszard Imperium
Kazik (Simha Rotem) Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Figher
Kennedy, A. L. Paradise
Kerr, Philip Hitler's Peace
Kerr, Philip March Violets
Kerr, Philip Pale Criminal
Kerr, Philip German Requiem
Kidder, Tracy Mountains Beyond Mountains
Kidder, Tracy Mountains Beyond Mountains
King, John The Football Factory
Koestler, Arthur Darkness at Noon
Krasikov, Sana The Patriots
Krushelnycky, Askold An Orange Revolution
Krzhizhanovsky, Sigizmund Autobiography of a Corpse
Kundera, Milan The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Kuper, Simon Soccer Against the Enemy
Kurkov, Andrey Death and the Penguin
Kurkov, Andrey Ukraine Diaries:  Dispatches from Kyiv
Larsson, Steig The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley's Lover
Le Carre, John Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Le Carre, John The Looking Glass War
Le Carre, John The Honourable Schoolboy
LeCarre, John Smiley's People
LeCarré, John A Call for the Dead
LeCarré, John The Russia House
Lermontov, Mikhail A Hero of Our Time
Lethem, Jonathan Chronic City
Liss, David Day of Atonement
Lucas, Edward The New Cold War:  Putin's Russia and the Threat to the West
Lukyanenko, Sergei Nightwatch
Machiavelli, Niccolo The Prince
Mahfouz, Naguib Khufu's Wisdom
Malamud, Bernard The Fixer
Manguel, Albert The Library at Night
Manning, Olivia The Great Fortune
Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hall
Mather, Cotton Wonders of the Invisible World
Mawer, Simon The Glass Room
Mazower, Mark Dark Continent
McCarthy, Cormac Suttree
McCullough, David 1776
McDougall, Christopher Born to Run
McGuinness, Patrick The Last Hundred Days:  A Novel
McNeil, Legs Please Kill Me:  The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
McPhee, John Founding Fish
McPhee, John Basin and Range
Meier, Andrew Black Earth
Melville, Herman Moby Dick
Melville, Herman Typee
Melville, Herman Omoo
Merridale, Catherine Ivan's War:  Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939-1945
Mieville, China The City and the City
Miller, Andrew Snowdrop
Miller, Andrew Pure
Milosz, Cseslaw Native Realm
Milosz, Cseslaw The Captive Mind
Mirvis, Tova Visible City
Mitzner, Adam Dead Certain
Mogford, Thomas Shadow of the Rock
Moretti, Franco Signs Taken for Wonders
Morrissey Autobiography
Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita
Nesbo, Jo The Bat
Norris, Frank The Octopus
Novick, Sheldon Henry James:  The Young Master
Novick, Sheldon Henry James:  The Mature Master
O'Brian, Patrick Master and Commander
Orbuch, Sonia Here, There Are no Sarahs
Orsini, Alessandro Sacrfice:  My Life in a Fascist Militia
Owen, Lauren The Quick
Pasternak, Boris Doctor Zhivago
Peace, David Nineteen Seventy Four
Peace, David Nineteen Seventy Seven
Pears, Iain An Instance of the Fingerpost
Pears, Iain Stone's Fall
Penny, Laurie Unspeakable Things:  Sex, Lies, and Revolution
Perec, George Life:  A User's Manual
Perez-Reverte, Arturo Club Dumas
Petroski, Henry To Engineer is Human
Phillips, Arthur Prague
Pink, Daniel Pink:  The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Pinker, Steven The Language Instinct:  How the Mind Creates Language
Plokhy, Serhii Gates of Europe:  A History of Ukraine
Politkovskaya, Anna A Small Corner of Hell:  Dispatches from Chechnya
Politkovskaya, Anna Putin's Russia:  Life in a Failing Democracy
Pollan, Michael Omnivore's Dilemma
Postman, Neil Technopoly
Powell, Anthony A Question of Upbringing
Powers, Richard Goldbug Variations
Powers, Richard Galatea 2.2
Price, Richard Lush Life
Pullman, Philip The Golden Compass
Pullman, Philip The Subtle Knife
Pynchon, Thomas Gravity's Rainbow
Pynchon, Thomas Mason & Dixon
Pynchon, Thomas Bleeding Edge
Pynchon, Thomas Inherent Vice
Pynchon, Thomas The Crying of Lot 49
Ramqvist, Karolina The White City
Rankin, Ian Black and Blue
Rankin, Ian Exit Music
Rankin, Ian Knots and Crosses
Rankin, Ian Tooth and Nail
Rankin, Ian Saints of the Shadow Bible
Reed, John Ten Days that Shook the World
Reichman, Lee Timebomb
Reid, Anna Leningrad:  The Epic Siege of World War II
Remnick, David Lenin's Tomb
Reynolds, Simon Rip it Up and Start Again:  postpunk 1978-1984
Ross, Alex The Rest is Noise
Rushdie, Salman The Satanic Verses
Rybakov, Anatoli Fear
Rybakov, Anatoli  Children of the Arbat
Sansom, C. J.  Dissolution
Saramago, Jose Blindness
Satter, David Darkness at Dawn
Savage, Jon England's Dreaming
Schelling, Thomas C Micromotives and Macrobehaviors 
Schumacher, Julie Dear Committee Members
Scott, Walter Waverley
Scott, Walter Rob Roy
Scott, Walter Ivanhoe
Sebald, W. G. Austerlitz
Sedgwick, Catharine A New-England Tale
Sedgwick, Catharine Hope Leslie
Sedgwick, Catherine New England Tale
Sedgwick, Catherine Hope Leslie
Sedgwick, Marcus Mister Memory
Seltzer, Mark Henry James and the Art of Power
Shapiro, James A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare:  1599
Shchedrin  The Golovlyov Family
Shevchenko, Arkady Breaking with Moscow
Sinclair, Iain London Orbital
Smith, Martin Cruz Gorky Park
Smith, Tom Rob Child 44
Smith, Zadie White Teeth
Snyder, Timothy Bloodlands:  Europe between Hitler and Stalin
Solzhenitsyn, Alexsandr One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
St. Aubyn, Edward Lost for Words
Stasiuk, Andrzej On the Road to Babadag:  Travels in the Other Europe
Steinhauer, Olen The Tourist
Steinhauer, Olen The Nearest Exit
Stephenson, Neal Quicksilver
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash
Stephenson, Neal Anathem
Stephenson, Neal Cryptonomicon
Sterne, Lawrence Tristram Shandy
Stevenson, Robert Louis Kidnapped
Syed, Matthew Bounce:  Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, and the Science of Success
Szpilman, Wlodislaw The Pianist
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas Black Swan
Tayler, Jeffrey Siberian Dawn:  A Journey Across The New Russia
Tenner, Edward Why Things Bite Back
Thackeray, William History of Henry Esmond
Tolkien, J. R. R. Fellowship of the Ring
Tolkien, J. R. R.  The Two Towers
Tolkien, J. R. R.  The Hobbit
Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace
Toltz, Steve A Fraction of the Whole
Trachtenberg, Alan Incorporation of America
Tremain, Rose Music and Silence
Trollope, Anthony The Way We Live Now
Turgenev, Ivan Fathers and Sons
Twain, Mark Pudd'nhead Wilson
Vollman, William T. Europe Central
Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughterhouse Five
Waldman, Amy The Submission
Walls, Jeannette The Glass Castle
Walpole, Horace Castle of Otranto
Waters, Sarah Fingersmith
Waters, Sarah The Little Stranger
Weiner, Jonathan Beak of the Finch
Welsh, Irvine Trainspotting
Welty, Eudora One Writer's Beginnings
Wener, Markus On the Edge
Wharton, Edith The House of Mirth
Wharton, Edith Age of Innocence
Whitehead, Colson The Intuitionist
Willis, Connie The Doomsday Book
Wolfe, Tom From Bauhaus to Our House
Woolf, Virginia To The Lighthouse
Zafon, Carlos Ruiz Shadow of the Wind
Zola, Emile Germinal

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