Friday, August 19, 2016

Bout of Books 17 pre-event

Back at the read-a-thon again.  Next to my bed and on my dresser, I've got stacks of books that I started this summer but didn't finish.  I'm going to try, once again, to use this event to create some incentive to actually finish a few of them.

One that I want to finish is Michael Chabon's Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.  I've read about 75% of it, but haven't opened it for a couple of weeks.  I've also gotten through a good bit of Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad, and will likely try to finish that.

More recently, I started Louis Armand's The Combinations and am hooked.  It's a large book--1,000 pages--but I'll be reading it as well.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Bout of Books Read-a-thon plan

I've decided that, for this read-a-thon, I'm going to work on finishing three books that I started in the summer and fall last year, and two books that I just started after Christmas:

Three to finish:
James Gaines, Evening in the Palace of Reason
Richard Russo, Straight Man
Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky:  Years of Ordeal 1850-1859

Two Christmas gifts:
James Shapiro, A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare:  1599
Thomas Bernhard, Correction
I've got about 450 pages combined for the three I want to finish, and could probably finish Correction as well.  If I can get half way through Shapiro's book by the end of the week, I'll be pleased with the start to 2016.